As I recently blogged about, pg_stat_plans is a PostgreSQL satellite project I've been working on that aims to support earlier versions of Postgres that cannot use the new pg_stat_statements, and to track execution costs at the plan rather than the query granularity. It allows the user to easily explain each stored query text to see the plan for the entry, and has features that facilitate monitoring planner regressions.
Since PostgreSQL 9.0, support for machine-readable EXPLAIN output has existed. I'm not aware that anyone else got around to actually doing something interesting with this capability, though. I knew that in order to get the most benefit from pg_stat_plans, it ought to be possible to leverage this capability to search for plans based on arbitrary criteria, directly from SQL.
I've written an experimental submodule of pg_stat_plans, called pg_find_plans, that is designed to do just that - to quickly find plans and their execution costs, for those plans that, say, perform a sequential scan on a known large table.